An excellent Edwardian period nest of four, or quartetto, graduated tea tables. Of fine construction in solid mahogany , the tops inset with burr yew wood veneers and surrounded with cross banding in tulip wood. Standing on elegant turned legs , terminating in splayed feet embellished with ebony stringing inlay. Sympathetically refinished in our workshops to a very high standard and now offered for sale in excellent condition. With a great colour and patina, ready to go straight into the home.
Dimensions (largest table) :
Width 50cms
Depth 35cms
Height 69cms
Internal Ref: 653
Height = 69 cm (27")
Width = 50 cm (20")
Depth = 35 cm (14")
Edwardian Nest of 4 Tables
Item Ref
An excellent Edwardian period nest of four, or quartetto, graduated tea tables. Of fine construction in solid mahogany , the tops inset with burr yew wood veneers and surrounded with cross banding in tulip wood. Standing on elegant turned legs , terminating in splayed feet embellished with ebony stringing inlay. Sympathetically refinished in our workshops to a very high standard and now offered for sale in excellent condition. With a great colour and patina, ready to go straight into the home.
Dimensions (largest table) :
Width 50cms
Depth 35cms
Height 69cms
Internal Ref: 653
Height = 69 cm (27")
Width = 50 cm (20")
Depth = 35 cm (14")
This item is SOLD and is no longer available to purchase.